Dynaflow NZ Ltd - Hydraulic Engineering, Process Services & ENZED Hose Doctors

New Zealand

Covid-19 Response

Our customers, people and community are our highest priority and their health & safety is our prime focus. Covid-19 is a fluid situation which requires us to make frequent adjustments and modifications to ensure we minimise the impact.


We are meeting with staff regularly and promoting good personal hygiene habits, including washing your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds; cleaning and disinfecting your work surfaces routinely; covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.

Where possible we encourage everyone to take social distancing seriously and keep at least 1.5 meters away from others.

Our workspaces and work vehicles are being regularly cleaned and touch surfaces within our premises are being sanitised daily.

All staff have been issued with personal hand sanitiser and we have a supply of face masks and disposable gloves available.

When interacting with customers we recommend the following guidelines:

  • Extreme care should be taken with personal hygiene, no hand shaking and the frequent use of hand sanitizers used;
  • During business hours,  limit your movement between areas and other work environments as practical;
  • Avoid congregating in congested public areas and being exposed to potential risks;
  • If any individual feels ill, has a fever or displays any signs of illness. Contact your health professional immediately and do not present at the workplace.

Travel Restrictions

We are following Ministry of Health guidelines. Staff are not accepted at our workplace, if they have travelled overseas, until they have undergone self-isolation for at least 14 days and are feeling will.

The company has suspended all international travel and domestic travel is to be avoided where possible.

Work From Home

Since 2016 we have implemented a cloud computing strategy that enables our information workers and administration team to work from home. The enabling systems have been tested in March 2020 and we have a plan in place to allow work-from-home should the need arise.

No Contact Meetings and Service Calls

We are technically well resourced and have been utilising video-conference technology and multi-way online calling to bring our team together with clients and suppliers.

We have proven applications that we are using to track the location of our staff and provide remote location and service reports to our clients. We are able to undertake most service jobs or deliver parts with no client contact whatsoever.

Please see our latest Service Update for more detailed information on these offerings.

Supply Chain

As the pandemic evolves rapidly, we continue to monitor the situation globally with our suppliers. We will continue to implement actions to reduce the impact on our customers operations wherever possible.

At this time, we envisage some potential delays and disruptions following the lock down imposed in other countries such as Italy, Germany, America and the UK. Our management team are meeting daily to assess and adjust the contingency arrangements as needed.

Freight delays are expected to increase, however we currently have adequate levels of inventory. Our largest supplier (Parker-Hannifin) have global manufacturing for hose, fittings, hydraulic components and process equipment. They have arrangements in place, where possible to source from alternate, global Parker facilities.

If you need further or more specific information, please contact our team using the web form or call:

+64 4 576 0130 / 0800 4 DYNAFLOW

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Dynaflow NZ Ltd - Hydraulic Engineering, Process Services & ENZED Hose Doctors

56 Seaview Road
PO Box 38-961
Wellington, 5010
Tel (04) 576 0130
Fax (04) 576 0131

Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm

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